Thursday, April 23, 2015

The great interruption

Know what?? I don't like being interrupted!! You? Have you ever just been cut off in the middle of a thought? Have you ever thought that no one really understands what you are trying to say or communicate when they interrupt you?  Well, I was talking to someone this morning and right in the middle of the story I was telling, this person interrupted me, finishing the story for me...LOL and finishing it incorrectly of course!! Imagine how much we miss when we interrupt others in the middle of their story? Not only does it hurt to realize that another person doesn't value what you have to say enough to let you finish, but it hurts to know that another person who claims to love you misses out on the real story of your heart, the one you so desperately wish to share.  However, and here is the clincher...."Don't we interrupt God in all of His words, thoughts and stories?? Sadly, the greatest interrupter of the greatest Lover of all time is me!! Been in His words lately?? Listened to His thoughts and plans lately? Hopefully, all of us will be slow to speak and quick to listen before the Lord since we know how much interrupting doesn't benefit anyone!!

James 1:19New International Version (NIV)

Listening and Doing

19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

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