Saturday, April 25, 2015

Death comes unexpectedly....

Did you know that I'm just crazy in love with Husky Dogs?? Well, I have a story to tell you...Once upon a time, there was a little girl, a little girl with blonde hair and bright eyes and well, a whole lot of ideas about dreaming! Would you like to see her?  Close your eyes and picture the little boy in the photo up above and exchange hazel eyes for those blue eyes and make the hair a little bit longer. Well, this little, blondie was raised in a family who loved lots of Dachshunds!! Yes, those little "Hot-dogs" that wiggle and giggle their way into the hearts of many, were the love of my family. As for me, I always thought I'd own one and have one just the way my Grandparents did and my mom and dad did. Kind of like all of us, we tend to need legacy and tradition to give us identity don't we? Therefore, I was going to own a dachshund!

FYI...this is a picture of parent's most recent Doxie!!

Well, Dad decided one day to take us to the World Famous San Diego Zoo. Naturally being residents of Southern California, we had all been there before, but Dad decided it was just time to take us to the place that had the most exotic animals in the world, well, I'm sure there are other pretty animals somewhere else other than that zoo, but this is my story, so get over it. LOL! Sadly, and most unfortunately, Dad had picked the hottest day known to the inhabitants of Earth to go to this zoo. Being 13 at the time didn't help the situation, because I was oddly enough developing a bit of a teenage outlook and attitude to go with that outlook!! So, my level of patience wasn't the greatest during this hot day at the zoo. Therefore, we were walking small hills and big hills up and down in 100 degree heat to see turtles that were staying in their shells and bears that were staying in their caves and even a cage full of alligators that were definitely not coming out of their water hole. Ugh! "Oh my heavens,  it's hot" I said. My mom just gave me that look that only mother's give that can communicate a whole novel's worth of instruction in about 3 seconds flat. "Just drink some water, Jennifer and then let's just keep seeing the exhibits." she said. "You know what?" I retorted. "I would just love to do that, but I need a diet coke and I'm going to find one and meet you back over at the elephants, who are probably napping behind a rock!" I said with amusement. "Alright" my mom said, but hurry. So, off I went to find the street rolling vender that had the answer to my problems. Yes, I could almost see the silver and red design of the Ice-cold, diet Coke. In fact, I could feel the money in my jean shorts' pocket and I knew I had just enough to get a panda bear souvenir cup for that vendor to put my diet coke in and seal it shut. To my chagrin, that ridiculously necessary vendor was no where to be found and I'd already scaled three big hills past the tigers and the jaguars and I was almost to the park exit. "Shoot!" I thought...not that I wanted to shoot anything furry, but just that I was so disappointed that I could not find something so simple. Interestingly enough, I am reminded at this point in the story that some things in life seem so simple to find, so easy to accomplish that we focus on those things..when God has something far greater waiting just around the corner...Well, back to my story....! So, not only was I exhausted, sweating and ready to just give up, but I was not sure how to find the elephant cages. Now, before you judge me, your fellow sister in Christ, please remember that the San Diego Zoo is World Famous because it carries every animal out there and is massively large, okay?  Then, as if something big were happening....crowds of people began to move down a ramp and around a corner to see something...but what? At around the same moment, I spotted that elusive vendor and made a dash for my diet coke. However, at the corner of my eyes and ears was this sense of adventure and curiosity all rolled into one and I couldn't help but turn in the direction of the exciting murmurs. Rushing quickly and hoping like crazy that the vendor wouldn't leave me again...I turned away from my simple pleasure and dashed in the direction of excitement. Suddenly, my eyes beheld the most beautiful and the most majestic creature I had ever seen on a leash!! A White, Arctic wolf.  My mouth dropped open and my eyes locked with that white wonder, who just stood at attention.  Oh my word, that creature was soooo beautiful, and so completely wonderful! Another dream for Jennifer was beginning slowly in my heart. I was dreaming of owning an animal like this one! Dachshund who?? Most unsafely, I reached out without thinking at all and touched the wolf. The trainer quickly made it known that I should stop! I pulled back my hand with great speed and yet did not jump back away from the wolf. Unbelievably, he was staring at me! At that moment, We locked eyes and I blurted out, "I love you"! In a complete daze, I ran over to the Elephant cages without a diet Coke and without an attitude and yet full of something special! A new dream...a dream to have an animal like that wolf. Definitely, the white wolf was my favorite animal and it's proving to stay that way to the present.  However, as most of you know, owning a wolf is kind of my dream seemed silly as I headed to college and started to think about my future family and dog..Hee Hee...! Then, one day on a routine jog, I saw a Husky!! Oh wow! White fur, blue eyes and gorgeous paws.  Full of wonder, I stopped the owner and the husky dog and just asked to pet the gorgeous animal. The Siberian Husky just licked me everywhere and gave me a typical Husky hug!! "Yes", I thought to myself..."This is it, the dog I'm going to have someday!" Okay, I know it's not a wolf but the Husky sure resembles a wolf and sure is smart and clever like one!! So, how many years later after waiting and waiting and hoping and dreaming to have a Husky, my wonderful husband surprised me with a little Husky puppy just before Easter. We named our little, baby girl, Blue! At 7 weeks old, Blue was already the answer, the best gift ever and the dream fulfilled of many, many years. Know something, I can remember little kisses she gave on my face today..yes, I can feel them even right now. Tragically, my little angel, my baby died! Without warning, and without cause, our other dog, seemingly having bonded with her over 3 weeks and everything, turned on Blue and attacked her...ripping her to pieces, leaving her for dead. My husband and I ran screaming to save her, and she was barely still alive.  
Shaking like mad, I picked her up all broken and watched her trying to take one last breath. Strikingly, as I told her how much I loved her, she looked at me and then died in my arms. Just like that, my Blue was dead and my dream was over....!! Death is like that you know...just over!! We know that there is just no coming back from this one!! Yes, when death hits....we know that there is just no fixing it, is there? To this day, I'm still grieving her precious life. However, the good news is that because Christ died...Because of Easter, ironically just two days before Blue's death, we have reason to know that Death has no sting for us!! Oh how the disciples must have thought the end had come....He died? Oh how the disciples of Christ must have grieved and questioned the death of Christ. Surely those followers of Jesus thought he would suffer or struggle, but Death?  What?? Everyone knows that there is just no fixing that!! Well, the next time tragedy hits your life or mine I want us to say, "Even for God?" Your God conquered the grave my friends!! Is my Husky coming back to life? NO! However, I serve a God who tells me that this world and all its death is not the end of the story....There is a Savior..what joy we can express...Is your hope on what's coming or on what's past? Don't hope in a Diet Coke and miss the White wolf...Don't let the wreckage of this world and the death that stings sting your eyes from seeing and your ears from hearing the good news of what is coming to fix the unfixable damage!! Your Savior is coming again to erase death forever...what dreams of God's future hope are you missing? Listen to this hymn

1 Corinthians 15:55New International Version (NIV)

55 “Where, O death, is your victory?
    Where, O death, is your sting?”[a]

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