Tuesday, April 21, 2015

His Promise still takes your faith

2 Peter 1 New International Version (NIV)

Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ,
To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours:
Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

Confirming One’s Calling and Election

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these (meaning the glory and the goodness) he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

If you rummage around in the dirt, you will never find the treasure!! I heard that on the Christian radio this morning and I thought, "Yeah"! Christianity is all about going for the Gold! Going for the Gold means you have to know what you're looking for....Gold!! But, what is gold??  Where is your treasure??? What is gold to you!! All the precious things promised to us in the Bible are really just images of the greater image of God...the goal of our faith, the salvation of our souls...for Christ, In Christ, With Christ forever and ever, amen!! So much of the Bible is symbolism geared and written by the hand of God to make finding Him easier for our system and senses. 

When the road seems long and the way seems dense, remember that only Christ is the way..the only answer that makes sense. 

Wait!!! Wait...!!! Are you saying that Christ is the answer and that's supposed to make the decision that I'm making easy or my situation a breeze??? Should I move? Should I quit my job? Should I marry this man?  We all know that Jesus is the answer, but it sure seems like there is another answer that we need right? Okay...Okay...let me explain...
When Christ is the treasure, and the gold and the precious promise...then walking forward in faith is easy..!! So, what does it look like to walk forward in faith? When we talk about God's promises and walking in the faith of Christ, then we must first preface the discussion with Christ and His word! Are you walking daily in His word to even know of Him...to even be aware of what He promises you??? Are you actively praying in the Word..calling upon His promises so that He can show you He is faithful and just? If not, please understand that you must start as the Scripture says, in your knowledge of Him!! Also, understand that if you are doing those things...as in reading His word and praying through the promises of God....Then, the next issue is taking the step out in faith. When God opens a window of opportunity for your life, you still have to crawl through it! Even if you know that the gold is buried underneath the red X, you still have to dig it up right...! Many of us know that God is the treasure and the riches but we still don't jump when He says jump. Not sure that He is telling you to jump??? Pray..! Yes, Pray and end on your knees...touch the sky when your knees hit the ground. That is to say when Christ has promised us that he will be with us, He will...! When the thing that is not the thing becomes the thing, the way seems dense and long and hard.  When your whole focus is Christ then the way is easy..the burden is light and the answer is all wrapped up in Him!

Principle: When Christ is the way and the treasure and the gold, the way is simple cause the story has already been told. Missing parts of the story...Perhaps it's time to catch up on some reading!! Go grab your Bible and listen to the words of this song, 

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