Saturday, October 27, 2018

Jesus is the light of the world...

Jesus was talking to Saul in this passage, later we know him as Paul, and reveals to us that Jesus is at work after the cross, wanting all darkness eradicated...!!! A lot of us believe that Jesus came to take our sins away, but after that we tend to have nothing else to define the Christ by in our hearts and minds! In fact, we act like after His time on earth we
Feel like that was His part of the story... end of book!! We forget that He too has no beginning and He too is actively saving us still, and He too is light as being God’s word!! He breaks into our darkness and is the truth, the light and there is still no way to the father but through Him! The light of your world today is Jesus and He still saves, still reveals and still brings our lives into the light!!! Go bask in Jesus today!! He’s full of light that shatters your darkest hours of confusion! Jesus saves us from sin, but the Bible teaches that He also saves us from darkness! Walk in His light!!

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