Thursday, October 25, 2018

God lives in unapproachable light....
God shares with us in His perfect word, a little about Himself, 

1 Timothy 6:16 New International Version (NIV)

16" who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen."
Strangely, we are told to come boldly before God's throne and to live as children of light, but does light blind?? If God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all, we should be very attracted to that reality...!!! However, are you ready? Am I? Today...are you living in sin? ARe you able to approach his glory..?? Oddly enough, we find that most christians claim not to want to go to heaven because of the world that they will leave behind!!! Maybe the light of God is blinding??? Maybe ???? Ha!! For sure, the light of God is toooo much to take!! Go to heaven? Yes, okay and go blind!! Or is there another reality that we fail to consider as often as we should?? Perhaps the blood of Jesus and the beautiful refining of the Holy Spirit are not optional choices for us? Your thoughts? Can we live without the other two members of the Holy trinity and just take God and all that terrific light? Or, do we need to get comfortable with the work of Jesus on the cross...LOL more than just on Easter Sunday and do we need to get comfortable with the refining work of the Holy Spirit that searches the deep things of God...?? Have a blessed day and if you're willing...ask the Holy Spirit to come search your heart.... God 

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