Saturday, May 23, 2015

Rain, Rain...don't go away...

Consider the text in Zechariah...

Zechariah 10:1New International Version (NIV)

The Lord Will Care for Judah

10 Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime;
    it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms.
He gives showers of rain to all people,
    and plants of the field to everyone.

Zechariah 14:17New International Version (NIV)

17 If any of the peoples of the earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, theLord Almighty, they will have no rain.

Rain used to be paramount for survival...In fact, it was the highest blessing of the heavenlies for all of us...Now...sadly, we have technology and suddenly we don't need God's rain or provisions...actually, we have out dated the Lord!! The Holy of holies rains down on us and we see it as a cold, wet, inconvenience.  Wow! 

Good Morning, it's cold! Right away I noticed my feet were cold and the blankets on my back seemed to suddenly have become thin, incapable of keeping me warm and comfortably asleep. For those of you that are not Southern California residents, you may or may not think I'm crazy to think 53 degrees is cold, but wow I didn't expect to wake up to grey clouds and cold wind blowing yesterday morning, the morning I was taking my three kids to the church of the Nazarene to get on a church bus to go to Elev8 down at Point Loma Nazarene University. Seemingly, no matter how good or hot the coffee was, I needed to have one more cup to keep me warm as I rushed about the bedrooms of my home making sure that all the kids were packed for the journey down to P.L.N.U! As I reminded each one of them to make sure to pack this and that, I was struck by their lack of desire to follow my instruction. Although a few instructions were reluctantly followed, most were left with negligence upon the floor! Really? I suggested warm slippers, socks and an extra blanket and I was told how unnecessary these items were. In fact, the kids were so wrapped up in texting and sending messages to others on I-phones and I-pods, they ended up forgetting several things...even making the bed or closing doors. Chuckling to myself in amusement I let it go, especially considering how cold it was going to be by the beach at P.L.N.U that day. Resigned to let them make their own choice, well at least in the small stuff, I left the scene unscathed. Hopefully, when feet are cold and shivers travel down their backs the children will realize that mom's advice wasn't silly, but wise. Truly, lessons do sometimes have to be learned on our own and to our own detriment. Sure, I was qualified to advice them all..especially since I attended that same university down at point loma and considering the fact that I've traveled several times internationally! Moreover, I almost stepped in when I saw that one of the kids took everything and left the Bible on the know..the most important thing to pack for all of us..But, No! No way was I going to say a word. Not too surprisingly, I was later convicted that this behaviour that annoyed me in my kids is the same behavior I display to my Lord of lords and my King of kings. The Lord gives us His counsel, His Word and His heart of Wisdom and we simply think he's wrong, annoying, or just unnessecary; the nation of God's people is "stiff-necked" isn't it? Lord, please remind me today to pick up my Bible and to leave my spirit of rebellion on the floor...Oh Lord, keep me warm and place a blanket of protection over me? Even if you must send a whale after I've disregarded you...please send the whale, send the flu, send the rain....and when you do..may I see your provision in it...?
Consider the text in Zechariah...!! Do you think that we could all use a little rain and a few storms...a few more moments with the Lord's Word and too!

Enjoy this worship with Michael W. Smith....

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