Thursday, January 9, 2014

Who in the world am I??

Do you know what I think is amazing? There is a direct relationship between two very common questions: "Who am I", and "Who is God"! The reality is that if you are asking who is God, then you do not know who you are and if you are asking who you are, then you do not know God. Ok…before my readers have a complete heart attack with disagreements flooding their lungs, let me explain. What I mean is that we do not stay up to date with God…! I'm not suggesting that you never walked with him, but if you are not walking with him today, chances are you are not going to know Him like you knew Him yesterday, right? Daily we are to stay in the light of Christ's love, hourly, by the minute…for the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, right? So, when we ask really stupid questions, like, "Who am I", or "Who is God", perhaps we need to remember that if we are feeling lost…we are the ones who moved…we are the sheep that wandered off and all that's needed is a return to the sheep pen…a repentant heart that turns back to the savior, away from sin, where walking and talking restores our weary soul! My dear friends, that is very good news to know that we are the delinquent ones
!!!! We are the ones that move!!! That means that God is still good and that we just have to call Him up,  open up His word and say, Here am I lord, send me!


  1. Very well written and so true! I've really missed reading your posts. -Nicole
