Monday, January 27, 2014

Do you know what Satan wants?? He is so hell bent on your destruction that he will try just about anything…However, the main thing that he wants is for you to want something…When the Scriptures say that the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not WANT…He, Satan says, "love your gifts and not the giver" AND HE WHISPHERS, …"love the way..not the maker of the way" AND HE EVEN DARES TO SUGGEST,…"Love the ministry, not the one who authors the ministry" …Jonah! Jonah! Jonah!!! I just love Jonah! Poor, beat-up, misunderstood Jonah!!! Today we are all on the run…but to what and from what are we running??? Are you weary?? ARe you tired? Are you discouraged?? Has God called you to give back a gift and you said, No? Has God asked you to change direction and you said no? The moment you say, "no" is the moment you lose your hope..!! THE MOMENT YOU SAY, "NO" IS THE MOMENT YOU LOSE YOUR HOPE!! 

Remember psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd..I shall not be in want…He makes me lie down in green pastures..whether pastures in Nineveh or Israel…(emphasis mine)But…He restores my soul!! Want to have your hope restored??? Rest in the lord…WANT TO HAVE YOUR HOPE RESTORED??? REST IN THE LORD. 

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