Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pray for God's children!! Pray for the Kurds

Ahmed Abad-Kurdish children-Iran
Ahmed Abad-Niños kurdos-Irán - Iran

Look at her face!! This is a little girl who lives in modern day Nineveh!! What a little angel...what a special gift of God lay in her sweet smile!! Pray for her?? Currently there are not any missionaries deployed to tell her about the greatest gift of all, Jesus!!

Explosions and torment have been their lot in life and yet the children smile!! Perhaps there will be greater smiles still and greater rejoicing when the pain is replaced by the peace of Christ. Pray for the Kurds!!

I have not finished my next blog, but I'm posting this so that we will pray for the salvation of Gods kids in Kurdistan territory!! Many blessings...!! Let's pray all day!! Let's pray all night!! God doesn't forget them and we will not either!! Love you all, Jennifer

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