Sunday, January 31, 2016

Digging a hole and in desperate need of a rope!

Ephesians 2:13New International Version (NIV)

13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
You know something, this really is a commentary on Jonah and sometimes I forget to bring Jonah's story out a little bit more, so I thought I'd take a moment to talk about my brother in Christ, Jonah! 

Let's first have some fun with Jonah's home town, Gath-hepher! Did you know that this name means wine press, digger...!! Ever had too much wine and then just couldn't think straight, see straight or even walk straight? Well, maybe I've never been drunk, but I do know life has blinded me and made me act drunk. As well, I also know that my own sin has blinded me to the point of complete dizziness and delusion. So many times, I've been lost, digging myself deeper and deeper in a hole in desperate need of a rope to pull me out of the miry clay!
When God's not allowed to patrol,
 you are going to dig a really big hole
When God throws you a rope, 
don't expect it to be all for which you'd hoped.

Have you ever wondered if "comfort" can be a bad thing? I recently read a story of a little child who owned a scorpion and upon becoming too familiar with the scorpion ended up getting stung, yikes! A wise pastor and speaker pointed out an interesting point on the radio the other day, "Do we treat our sins the same way and become too familiar with them?" Yes, and Amen to you pastor! We are all about to get stung and yet we still head straight for comfort in all things surrounding our lives, even things that might sting us!  So, Jonah was from Israel, from Gath-hepher..which by the way was only about 2 miles from Nazareth! How interesting! Jesus must have heard many remarks as he was growing up about "Jonah", the whale and all the stories that happened only 2 miles up the road. Yes, Jonah was born there in Gath- Hepher and raised there and lived there, ate there, had many memories there and I'm sure was very comfortable there delivering the Word of God to all those he was comfortable enough to understand and to consider family! But...Yes, there's a "But"!! Ever heard of giving too much grace to your family? What? Too much grace too my family? Well, yes, that's what I said and that's what I meant!! You might be thinking that I'm crazy, but sometimes when it comes to our "own" we are a little bit, well, shall I say it? "Jaded"!   You know we seem to have all the grace in the world for ourselves, our family and friends and all those we trust, but then when asked to give Love, Grace and peace to others...those other stinky, nasty, unworthy people God dares to love, we just cannot manage to give it, can we?  Sadly, my heart goes out at this time to all of you who are step-parents! You know what? There is a harsh reality in the Christian world today and that is the fact that because divorce is on the rise, so is the percentage of blended families. Never in the history of the world is it more relevant for Christians to understand the need for grace and mercy and love!!! Not "your" kind of human love, but God's Love and Grace are desperately needed if we are to give these jewels to those God calls us to serve. Jonah's people wouldn't listen to him very well, but Jonah had no problem spending all his time and love on them, did he? Content to stay in Gath-hepher, Jonah would rather work that "Wine press" and "Dig that hole" than to consider another group of people, a group not "his own" that needed and wanted God's love!! So, when you find yourself full of grace for your loved ones, ask yourself a tough question today! You who were far away and had to be brought near by His blood, adopted, washed and then loved...Are you in a place where you could go and do likewise for others, others who are not your own?  Feeling a need for a rope? I am...Lord knows I want Him to pull me out of the Muck and send me where He wants me to go deliver His love today...I hear they are having a sale on ropes in Nineveh!!

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