Monday, August 17, 2015

When Power isn't Power!!

1 John 4:3-5New International Version (NIV)

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them.

Are you following the Great Overcomer?? Is the God of Israel your power source?? Do you listen only to God or do you listen to the voice of the World?? You know something? There are a lot of impostors out there in this world that claim to have power...!!! Ever heard of the "Love Doctor"?  Oh yeah Baby....!! All of us can relate to the impostors, impostors such as Love...!! Yes, the Love Doctor can heal all things..or, all things are healed by the power of love!! Oh, and then there is Money....Money fixes everything!! Right? What about position, prestige and political sway??? With the right position of power, everything would be alright and needed change would fix everything, right? Well, hold on to your chairs because if you think that there is any real power in "Love", "Money", or "Position", then you are wrong, wrong, wrong!!! All these things fade away like the flowers in the field...but the Power of God increases exponentially, never fading, always glorifying the Master, never dying, always living for the King of Kings...and that same power lives in all of us!!!! So, then why? Why are we under the power of anything else??? Why are we chasing after anything else? Seriously?? Why would you take the best of the best and exchange it for something worse????  How does that make any sense??? 

Principle: When you fail to overcome something difficult in your life, you have failed to serve the Great Overcomer!! Powerful things crush your pursuits, while a powerful God makes them possible!!! 

Under whose power are you operating today??? For whom do you serve....a false power...or God's Power...??? 

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