Friday, August 21, 2015


1safety!!! This blog is dedicated to a little girl who's strength comes from God alone, who is her safety!!!

noun safe·ty \ˈsāf-tē\
: freedom from harm or danger : the state of being safe
: the state of not being dangerous or harmful
: a place that is free from harm or danger : a safe place

Safety is a real freedom from harm and danger! Do you remember playing Hide and Go Seek when you were little? Or just the game of tag? Remember how once the enemy had discovered you and began to chase you...there was always a place you to where you could run to or find that was the "safe zone"?  Remember that rush and adrenaline as you pushed your whole body to reach that place and as your hands and then body crossed the threshold of the "safe zone" and then out of breath you cried, "safe"? I remember the sudden warmth and peace that encircled my whole being when I made it to the tree of safety in my backyard! Phew! In fact, so comforting was that tree that I was not so quick to leave its branches of embrace and calm. Remember? In reality, there is only one place where we are safe..and that's in the arms of from harm and all that threatens to choke the life right out of us!! I've often wondered if Jonah knew the safety of Israel and not the safety of God!! Friends, sometimes, others make us feel safe and things seem to protect least for a while...!! Although that feels pretty good....for a while...please remember A hurricane can still come knock over your tree!! LOL...! The safety of your family can be ripped from you suddenly by death or tragedy or sin!! Sometimes, we are all just barely holding on because something that we love has been ripped from us so suddenly..and we cannot move because the pain has left us paralyzed..even too paralyzed to obey Jonah!! There is a little girl out there that I love, and her name will stay anonymous.  The girl to whom I'm referring is anchored so strongly on Jesus that although she has lost everything ...she knows her Saviour knows her name and calls her His own...she is unafraid tonight to just Be Held...I hope her strength is yours tonight...we can all learn from her life...She has lost her Mother, her Father..access to her only Grandmother and at the age of 10 knows that there are no orphans of God. So, when God's your safety....even when God calls you into something that doesn't feel or look safe at are protected under His wings of eternal strength and power.

Principle: When God protects you it's a protection that goes beyond the grave...When man protects you, there is a limit to what can be saved.    Who protects you?  

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