Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Seriously...time to pray for Syria!! a tribute to a real Orange!!

I'm taking a break from Freshly squeezed orange juice to let you know to pray for a genuine orange...We'll call her, "blessing"!! Please pray for blessing as she helps middle eastern kids find peace in this terrible crisis! For those of you that are not watching the news, your brothers and sisters in Syria are in a war that they did not start and that they cannot stop! Please stop right now and pray for the children and for a very special woman...Again, we will just call her, "blessing" for God knows her name! Pray for this blessing to know that God is fighting for her and that her brothers and sisters are praying for her and the road ahead!  I have the following words to say to you, Blessing!

Did you know that you are walking a road right now very similar to the Lord?? Did you know how beautiful are your feet? Did you know that as Jesus Prayed, "your will not mine" that He knew embracing the pain of this life..although unjust and not fair, meant a better tomorrow! Did you know that even though none of this struggle is your fault, that your strength will truly soar because of God's work in you through the storm?? I wish I could just make the struggle go away, but God will bless you, hug you, guide you and richly reward you for your work for Him..motivated by love and sanctified by fire...!! You are a woman of excellence..!! You inspire me...so, this song is dedicated to you, Blessing...When life is not fair, and when struggles come our way, may the love of God strengthen you to fight in His strength and armor while you walk in His perfect peace... !!!  You are unbreakable in His arms...!!! No matter the road ahead...you are in His will and He will be with you ....Your sister, Jennifer  If you've just read this blog..Pass it on and ask those you know to pray for Blessing and for my two little darling kids in Syria?? Thank you!!

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