Thursday, January 5, 2012

Misplaced Affection and Misunderstood Messages...

Many times in my life, I have wondered how I missed the message!! If you have ever been deceived by your own calculations then this is the blog post for you!!  Did you know that I love art? I love to draw and I love my drawings to look the way that I intended them to look! When I was twelve I began to love Disney animation, especially The Little Mermaid.  No, I didn't love The Little Mermaid because my last name was little!  Did I mention that my name was Jennifer Eileen Little??  Anyways, I loved trying to make Ariel come alive! To describe how dedicated I was to this task, I want you all to know that I would spend 3 hours or more just making certain that Ariel's eyes looked just right! However, I was drawing her face from one vantage point! Any of you out there that sketch can probably guess what I'm about to write next.  Always to my dismay, as I turned the page to view it from a different perspective, I would discover that one eye was not perfectly lined up with the other, or some other angle was not perfectly plumb.  Well, after painstakingly working to copy another artist's creation, I'd normally get a result that I could live with for the moment! Of course, the work was never perfectly finished; all of the art was just an attempt to replicate another's artistry. All that to say to you that our lives are a lot like art! Do we even come close to realizing that we attempt to understand God's will from only one vantage point! God is more than 3-d and in full color..He is more than Hi definition and beyond Blue ray!!! Sadly, we are so self centered and certain that our view is the whole picture! When in reality we should all be on our knees a lot longer, watching the Father a lot closer, and waiting for His wisdom a lot longer, we instead attempt to do His will without His perspective! Shocked and full of awe, we stand perplexed when we have missed the mark, misconstrued the intent of the maker, or misunderstood the message of His Majesty!  Let's look at His Word and see what the Scriptures say about all the misplaced angles!!

Job 38

The LORD Speaks
 1 Then the LORD spoke to Job out of the storm. He said:
 2 “Who is this that obscures my plans
   with words without knowledge?
3 Brace yourself like a man;
   I will question you,
   and you shall answer me.
 4 “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
   Tell me, if you understand. 

5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
   Who stretched a measuring line across it?
6 On what were its footings set,
   or who laid its cornerstone—
7 while the morning stars sang together
   and all the angels[a] shouted for joy?

Jeepers!! Anyone feeling a teensy bit smaller?  GOOD!! No matter how gifted God has made us, and no matter how much we have worked to improve our gifts, we are still the creation and He is still the Creator!! I don't care if you are Thomas Kinkaid, the painter of light, you cannot match one of God's sunsets, fathom the dimensions of one of His snowflakes, or touch the brilliance of one of His stars!!  Truly, it's only from a correct vantage point, normally the one we receive when we are on our knees, that we realize our affections can only be upon the Lord if we are to have clarity about God's path!  I know for certain that I miss God's best and have missed God's best every time I forgot who pours on the power! Let's use that word..and close this blog real quickly..I hope this acronym helps you to remember some things that are helping me follow God's path!

P: Perfection means pouring your life into the one who is perfect: God!
O:Order your steps according to His timing
W:Wait on God, for He knows how to order your moments.
E: Everything is known and created by God alone!!
R: Rely totally on His truth, not your thoughts.

When was the last time you were trying and not relying on His power??

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