Sunday, November 22, 2015

No flashlight and batteries not included!

Suddenly, the light goes out! There is excruciating pain as her body crashes down into a deep, dark pit promising nothing but danger and darkness. To make matters worse, heavy rocks begin to fall down into the narrow cave like corridor where she is lying helplessly in the darkness without a light in sight. Suddenly, the desire to live overwhelmingly ceases her being as she begins to scream, "help"! "Is somebody there?" Friends, being stuck in a dangerous situation beckons us to truly cry out for help. Yes, when you are stuck in a cave, an old mine shaft, or perhaps caught out to sea without a boat or life vest, you truly can appreciate that you are in a desperate situation. However, you are not without hope, right? Knowing that there are others that have the ability to save you, you cry out, waiting for your rescue from the most immanent fate that will occur if help does not come, right? Friends, this is how it is with our Lord when we wait upon Him and Him alone. Some mistakenly think that waiting on God is an act of patience, or the simple desire to have meaningless gifts bestowed upon our lives, but waiting on God in the biblical sense is far more dire than that,

Psalm 40[a]

For the director of music. Of David. A psalm.

I waited patiently for the Lord;
    he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
    out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
    and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
    a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the Lord
    and put their trust in him.

Today, my feet have slipped into a dark pit and there seems to be no light! As a Christian, the only flashlight I have is the light coming from within and there fore I have hope. Yes, because I know He who is able to save, I cry out to God and wait on Him to lift me out of the mud and the mire. Sadly, it's as though I forgot He was there at all until I slipped. To clarify, my awareness of God being there is not really what I forget on a daily basis. No, rather it is the fact that I'm lost without Him to save me is the reality that is forgotten. The truth is, we all need to learn to wait upon the Lord or we will never know the joy of the renewal of our strength in Him. However, we will never wait upon the Lord unless we are aware of the need for a savior. Experiencing a trial, or a desperate situation? Thank the Lord for it?  Truly,the situation that brings us to our knees with the realization that we are emotionally, spiritually or physically dead without God's help, is the only way we will call out for a savior. With or without a calamity, I hope we choose to live in the reality that we need God and that in response, we cry out to Him first and wait upon Him alone

Principle, when you are lost in the wilderness with no help and no phone
there is an opportunity to wait on the Lord, being saved by Him alone.

Truth, Hiding in God is cozier than any blanket and warmer than a million mornings of sunlight upon my face. 

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