Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Great Interview and the greatest call of all!!

All of us have talents and most definitely all of us play out these gifts and talents on camera!! Did you know that? Not one of your gifts, or shortcomings are secret to the Lord?  Yikes! Did you know that all of us are trying out for something? All of us are indeed applying to play a part, a role, a job for someone, something, somewhere out there?  My Dad has been interviewing for different jobs now for quite sometime!! Although there is no doubt that he is the right man for the job of pharmacist just about anywhere...the search for the words, "you're hired" didn't come as expedient as perhaps most of us would like, you know?

And then there are the words of the Prophet Jeremiah 29:11,

I know that plans that I have for you says the sovereign Lord...plans to prosper you and not to harm you...Yeah..yeah yeah..whatever...!!

Here is a picture of my dad...

Mom is in there too of course....You'll notice the bright smile and the generally cheery disposition!! Dad is always positive at work and full of bright and sunny solutions to the jungle madness of a pharmacy! Clearly, Dan the pill man...was called to be a pharmacist. Anyone that knows my dad concurs with the facts; Dan is now and will always be, Dan the pill man!! Have you ever known someone who didn't get a job that was so completely the right person for the position? Isn't the fact that sometimes the results to an interview or a life changing "no" to our "yes" are so mind blowing and seemingly illogical? Well, no where in history could we find a more mind blowing "no" to our "yes" than in the book of Jonah! Although perfect for Israel, successful in all Israel, and truly happy in all Israel...Jonah's certain set of skills sent him up for an interview with the Lord that he didn't expect!! Although from a heavenly perspective, when God's call comes, it's always a promotion...LOL...we don't always see it that way do we?  Neither did Jonah see his call to go to Nineveh as the honor and compliment that it was, did he?  Today...Seek to see God's promotion for you...
When you seek to be rightfully placed in this world, you will always be demoted...
When you seek to be rightfully placed in God's plan, you will always be promoted!!

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