Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blessings in disguise!! And perfect Love ....Part 3

And Perfect Love Drives out all fear....for fear has to do with Punishment and the man or woman that has been set free need never fear such punishment.  

When we have spent time working for the Lord...sometimes..we serve and we listen to not God alone..but the people that God has called us to serve...!! Jonah...forgot something very important..something that Jennifer forgets time and time again: It matters not the thoughts of man...but only the one who Calls you, His name is Jehovah Jireh...His name is Elohim.. His name is Jahweh...His name is The Eternal one...His name is Almighty God..!! He who calls you is the same one the only one to whom you need to listen. 

Doubting the Blessings...??? Doubting the goodness of God's Love...?? Then you've been influenced by a love that is not the Love of God..!! Rather, we have been listening to nothing but a poor imitation..and a poor reflection..and a deception of the worst kind....!!!! Yes, even in Christian Jonah..we serve more the people God is mighty to save and not God alone..the God who saves!!

I have good news for you today....All the feelings of rejection you have had a the hands of man are not even close to God's plan!!!

All the fears caused by a lack of acceptance from this world or the people in it have everything to do with the fact that Man is evil and does fall Short of the Glory of God...

Romans 3 tells us that all have fallen short of the glory of God.

All the feelings ...yes all the deceptive feelings...are not the promises of God's love...His Perfect Love!!
His promises never fail..His mercies don't fall and His words don't ever fall void or prove untrue..they are new ever morning..Great is His faithfulness. Lamentations 3

Just like His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways... Isaiah 55 so too...Our View of God is so very off sometimes isn't it? KNow why??

 Because we focus on the plans of Man and Leave the plans of God in a desert waste land..!! 

Jonah..son of Amittai...Go to the great city of Nineveh...

Perhaps if Jonah thought more about God's eternal understanding of life and His massive, supernatural love..He would have easily left behind his thoughts..all his thoughts about Israel...about his enemies, about all that could have harmed him...about the punishment he might have had at the hands of his people, Israel for preaching it to the arch enemy!!

Oh Jonah...Oh Jennifer.....!!! God does not want to punish you or harm you...Jeremiah 29:8-11  

For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Let not your [false] prophets and your diviners who are in your midst deceive you; pay no attention and attach no significance to your dreams which you dream or to theirs,
For they prophesy falsely to you in My name. I have not sent them, says the Lord.
10 For thus says the Lord, When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will visit you and keep My good promise to you, causing you to return to this place.
11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. 
Is your final outcome resting in His hands today?? Oh jonah...don't be deceived by that which you think you know...We must be resolved to know nothing..only that God is Good and He truly is the only light that shines to guide you to the truth to His everlasting goodness..His light is's honest, and it's so full of warmth and comfort...Lonely?? Run..Run..Run fast into His light..put off the darkness that so easily entangles and run your race according to His great love..

Principle...His great plans always in the end will save...Man's plans always end up in the grave!!

God always seeks your good..Hear this!! God always seeks your good..even when His plans don't make sense..He's your leader...Are you following the leader or not???

Oh Precious Lord...take my hand and lead me beside quiet waters!!! 
Exodus 14:14 tells us that the Lord will fight for us and we need only to be still!! 

Oh Dear Lord...Hear my prayer...give me your eyes...and your light..shatter my darkness that I may see..and accept the freedom from sin you offer..the freedom from punishment that you promise..the Love that moved you to lay down your life to save free love me...!! I praise you for the rescue...To rescue me...the way you did Lord and the way you still do...just moves me Lord and motivates ;me to follow your light...even to the way of the cross..!! Oh my heavens...the beautiful cross...the biggest blessing of all...!! Lord...let me embrace the cross and know that your plan is good and your love is perfect!! Even Lord for those of us that feel the pain of this world tonight...!! Oh Lord...sometimes is the pain that produces the cleansing of our sins...of our regrets..of our resentments...but Lord let the pain last only long enough to produce the joy that comes in the morning...May our struggle be for your glory that in the morning..we too overcome!! Even for those of us in agony as a result of sin...The ashes..oh the ashes...we don't have to fall down and die...for the cross brings greater glory and the blessings always come to revive and restore God's children.  But only, remain in Him..don't give up...Only remember, First the cross and then the victory...!! First the rain and then the rainbow...!! Please worship with me as we listen together to a beautiful song that truly illustrates the way the Lord..even through suffering...always works in mercy and always abounds in compassionate, perfect Love...

Principle..Even when we don't see it, or feel it...God is merciful and Loving and yes, he's working on our behalf: Our God will stop at nothing in order to save us and to shower down on us His greatest blessings...

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