Friday, December 30, 2011

The only way Home is through the Light!!

Hello friends and Family in Christ...My name is Jennifer and I would love to tell all of you a story! At first I thought that the story was someone else's, or perhaps the story was simply for someone else! My story, God's story..the Word of the Lord is for all of us and actually every bit of it can be very personal for each of us as we allow His word to sear itself upon our souls. Please know that this information is difficult for me to share, but it's all the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So we begin...! Tonight I'll post the first chapter of a wild, wet, dark, scary, adventurous, crazy whale of a tale of how God brought me home..!! Always friends, the only way to the Father is through the Light of His Son, Jesus Christ...To you Jesus...for shining your light and bringing me into your truth and into full surrender to your plan!!


  1. I am really excited about your blog and I hope you are feeling better today. I have been standing on Psalm 18 for strength today. Have a wonderful New Years and may it bring you and your son many blessings, peace and most important joy.

  2. God bless you Angelique...I wish I knew how to do your graphics..I'd make it snow on my page...thanks for the blessing you are...A light fever still, but I'm feeling better..Thanks for asking Angel. Joy to you in abundance...
