Tuesday, March 12, 2013

So...how are all of my perfect viewers doing today?? Fine? Perfect...well I hope that you are all perfect in the only way possible...in Christ! Ok..as promised...we are going to pick up on our journey and go to Haiti! Wow...think back to the last time, if any time, that you thought you saw or met an angel! Today, I'm going to tell you how I jumped onto a plane in the LAX airport and ended up in Haiti..Yes, we are going to fly through...crash through and make it through to my first ever missionary experience.

Let's begin with a Scripture...,

Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. 2 Peter 1:4 NIV   Therefore,

9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Now..let's consider these words as we worship with Be thou my vision...the only focus that will get you through a journey..any journey of Faith is Christ...

Tommorrow..we will be in a plane crash on the way to Haiti..but God is there...as always/....May His rich blessings, the blessings that just He..your treasure is and can be to your life remind you that you are loved ....May God himself bless you richly today....

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

You know something...??? We are constantly in  need of reminders from the Lord...aren't we??? We are forgettful little, ungrateful wretches!! I know, I know...you're thinking...."Really?" and probably, "Do I want to keep reading more of this blog right now?"  The truth is that we cannot handle the truth about ourselves, let alone admit it can we? Truthfully, it's a fact that we don't want to hear about our imperfections!! In reality, it's only when we focus on Christ's perfection and get off of our notion that we can be perfect that we can experience the life giving peace of Christ.

You've guessed it, we are going to talk about the reality of surrender again...!!

You know what always amazes me?? I'm amazed how I think that a put-down is actually personal or how a criticism is actually personal!!! Have you ever been labeled?? Have you ever had a negative comment made about your habits or imperfections..!! Furthermore, have you ever been accused of an imperfection and whether or not the comment was acurate, it offended you??? Ok...keep reading if your answer was, "yes"...!!! Now,  if your answer was, "no," then see a counselor untill you can stop lying to yourself about the fact that you get offended right along with the rest of us and struggle with the fact that you are not perfect!!! Ha! Friends..we are not even close!!!   No...we are not even close to perfect at all!!

The truth about God is that it's all about Him and that the part that is about you..has to do with Him!! Therefore, glorify God with your life and your life will appear with Him in glory!! See Colossians 3!! Now, I know that I've promised time and time again to write more about Haiti..but I've been on a detour for the last couple of months..don't worry, I'll let you in on all of that too!! A detour?? for Jonah's little sister, Jennifer....no way!! ha...Yeah...there's a big surprise!!

Ok...back to criticisms, surrender and Christ...!! When ever someone labels you based on an imperfection...let that label be defeated with the label of Christian...!! Whenever someone criticizes your imperfections, let that remind you of who you are in Christ. Let me explain?? Jonah ran...He was labeled the worst missionary of all time...and a racist and cold hearted and selfish...!! What difference does a label make when we are in Christ...the ultimate name brand...the perfect label...the only perfection???? Our imperfections can only be exploited by others and harmful to us in our relationships if we prize them!! To surrender is to admitt that we are not perfect in any way shape or form...I mean we are not perfect at all people!!! So, when others criticize you...please own the fact that you are not perfect and that they are not perfect either...In fact, you should not be surprised if many negative things happen at your hands...many mess-ups and many imperfect decisions!! The reality is...it's just because of God's amazing grace that you stand in His mercy and forgiveness and that His perfection covers you...!!! So...surrender to the fact that you are not perfect at all...and rejoice greatly in the fact that the only wise..immortal..true..perfect God Covers you with His perfection absolutely!! So, today..let no man or woman cause you trouble...cuz when they mess with your imperfections...imperfections that are no surprise to you..they are now messing with God and His perfect plan...His perfect you!! "Let no man cause me trouble for on my body are the marks of Christ."
Galatians 6:17

Now, worship with me as Francesca Battistelli points us back to His perfection,